Saturday, October 24, 2009

Read-a-thon--Hour 10 Recap

Well, I'm 10 hours into this thing, and I am so impressed that I've managed to read 3 books! I just wish I had this kind of free time all the time! :o) As of 5pm (CST), I finished Talking to the Dead by Bonnie Grove, and I'm absolutely speechless about how great it was.....holy cow!!!!! Now, if only all the rest of the books I read from this point on are that great....well, I may have no trouble making it the whole 24 hours. :o)

Here are the latest stats:

Title of book(s) read since last update: Talking to the Dead by Bonnie Grove
Number of books completed since you started: 3
Running total of pages read since you started: 655


  1. Happy reading!!

  2. Hey! So happy to hear you enjoyed Talking to the Dead!
    Cheers to your read-a-thon!
    Bonnie Grove


I love your comments!! They make me happier than cold sweet tea on a hot summer day! :o)