Thursday, March 5, 2009

Booking Through Thursday: The Best Book That You Haven't Read

Here's this week's Booking Through Thursday question:

We’ve all seen the lists, we’ve all thought, “I should really read that someday,” but for all of us, there are still books on “The List” that we haven’t actually gotten around to reading. Even though we know they’re fabulous. Even though we know that we’ll like them. Or that we’ll learn from them. Or just that they’re supposed to be worthy. We just … haven’t gotten around to them yet.

What’s the best book that YOU haven’t read yet?

I actually have more of these than I ought to! Yikes!

First on the list would be both of Julie Lessman's books. I have read tons of reviews/comments about both of her novels and that they are fabulous, but I haven't started them yet. Both of them are just sitting on my bookshelf, staring me down. It is my plan to have both of them read by this coming summer.

Second would be Lady of Milkweed Manor by Julie Klassen. A friend of mine has read this book as well as The Apothecary's Daughter (which I think is the sequel), and she has raved about how good they are.

I'd also have to include Speak Through the Wind and With Endless Sight by Allison Pittman. I read Ten Thousand Charms about 6 months ago, and I could not put it down! If the next 2 are a great as book 1, then I know I will enjoy them for sure. :o)

In addition to those, I have several Deb Raney books (about 6 or 7), Terri Blackstock books (her entire newest series), and Angela Hunt books (try 12-15 that still haven't been read) that are waiting for me to read them. Where will I ever find the time!?!?!?!


  1. there will never be time to read all of them, but there will be time to read some of them. Good list.

  2. Oooo Francine Rivers. Everyone says her books are amazing and I haven't gotten around to reading one yet.

  3. Drop everything and get A Passion Most Pure!! Loved it.


I love your comments!! They make me happier than cold sweet tea on a hot summer day! :o)